Agra : Dead bodies found along railway tracks, at road accident sites and in village wells in this region shall not be cremated without a record. They will now have a permanent abode in cyber space.
An NGO in the Taj city, “Help Agra”, Wednesday launched a website,, which will show all available details culled from police records, along with photos of unidentified bodies.
What usually happens is that police do not wait long enough for the relatives or make extra effort to contact people who would know something about a dead body, Ashok Goyal, head of the Kshetra Bajaja Samiti which looks after the Taj Ganj cremation ground, told IANS.
“For many years we have been collecting data and seeking assistance from government agencies but they did not respond,” Goyal said.
“If even one family benefits from our service, we will feel our mission has been accomplished. Our aim is to maintain a register of unknown and unclaimed bodies kept in mortuaries.”
The organisation will perform the last rites of unclaimed bodies according to their religion, if known.