By Salman Sultan,,
Azamgarh: A delegation of Association for Welfare, Medical, Educational and Legal Assistance (AWMELA) led by its President Dr. Javed Akhtar went to meet the parents of Batla House encounter victims Atif Amin and Mohd Sajid after broke the news of reception of post-mortem report of Atif, Sajid and Inspector M C Sharma who lost their lives in the Batla House encounter (19th September 2008). This report was the result of persistent effort of Jamia Millia Islamia student Afroz Alam Sahil. He admirably kept on the pressure for obtaining the post-mortem reports through RTI.
It is not easy to face fathers who lost their young sons in old age. As a father they would have dreamt a bright future for their young lads who were aspiring for higher education and therefore, have left the comfort of their homes for a hectic life in the capital city of Delhi. While Atif was a student of Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, teenage Sajid had left his home for the first time. Sajid after passing High School and XI class had gone for coaching to Delhi.
Amin Saheb’s mood changes frequently and sometimes he becomes reclusive, perhaps lost in his dreams about Atif. The suffering and hardships faced by him is reflected in his reluctance to face media. Even his sympathizers and close friends are cautious to approach him with a request of an interview.
Atif’s father Amin Saheb
AWMELA told Amin Saheb of the latest development and was happy to find him a bit relieved after the exposure of the post-mortem report of his son in TCN. He was grateful to Afroz Alam Sahil and praised his effort in pursuing the matter relentlessly. He prays for the well being of Afroz and others who offered him solace in his moment of grief. In a short interview to TCN Amin Saheb shows his displeasure to the despicable act committed by Congress – the grand old political party. He understands the irretrievable loss of Atif but is determined to fight for the honour of his family and thereby the whole Muslim community. Amin Saheb demands a thorough probe in the Batla House episode in order to cleanse the name of Atif.
At Amin Saheb’s house
When AWMELA visited Sanjarpur on Eid day to express its solidarity with the victims of terror propaganda both father of Atif and Sajid were reticent. In particular, Sajid’s father was drawn inwardly to an alarmingly extent (report on TCN). It seems that this belated post-mortem has helped in elevating the mood of Sajid’s father. When TCN requested for an interview, Sajid’s father surprisingly agreed. It was not easy for this correspondent to control his emotion talking to a father whose teenage son (sixteen years old) has left home for the first time, which alas proved to be the last time. One can never feel the pain and agony of a father who comes to know about the death of his son from media within months of his departure. Sajid’s father demands the government to give his due right and hence want an enquiry in the whole tragic episode.
Sajid’s father
AWMELA held an informal meeting with residents of Sanjarpur at the residence of Mr. Shadab Ahmad alias Mister bhai. Mr. Muzaffar Ahsan Islahi (former Secretary, Student Union, AMU) gave valuable suggestion and advised patient but persistent effort to seek justice for a beleaguered Muslim community.
In Sanjarpur