Chandigarh, Punjab urged to use high security number plates


Chandigarh : New Delhi-based Association of Registration Plates Manufacturers of India (ARPMI) here Friday urged the Chandigarh administration and the Punjab government to introduce high security number plates for vehicles.

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“A High Security Registration Plates (HSRP) policy, dedicated to the safety and security of the vehicles and public at large, was made by the central government in 2001 but till date it has not been implemented in the true sense in any part of the country,” said Ravi Somani, president of ARPMI, while talking to reporters here Friday.

He added: “Therefore, last year M.S. Bitta, chairman of All India Anti-Terrorist Front, approached the Supreme Court that directed all states and union territories to implement the HSRP project by May 31, 2010. Now only three days are left but no state government, including Punjab and Haryana, seems concerned about the deadline.”

Somani said that the association has written to Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal and other officials on the issue. The association’s members are planning to meet them personally to persuade them to make the use of security plates compulsory.

Talking about the features of the safety registration plates, Somani said: “These plates are manufactured on the lines of the technology that European countries are using. We import special-quality aluminium from Germany for making them.”

“There is a safety hologram on every plate, different laser marking number on both plates of a vehicle, and India is written in block letters on every plate. Besides, there is a small plate on which engine number and chasis number is written, which will be pasted on the wind shield. Every plate has its own character and it can significantly help in curbing incidents of vehicle thefts,” he said.

Somani said that the price of these plates is not more than normal number plates. For two-wheelers each pair will cost nearly Rs.220 whereas for four-wheelers it will cost around Rs.450 a pair, he pointed out.