WikiLeaks releases secret CIA document


Washington : Whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks Wednesday published an internal report by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) into a perception that the US was exporting terrorism.

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The three-page document, dated Feb 2, 2010, is called “What If Foreigners See the United States as an ‘Exporter of Terrorism?'”, the CNN reported.

Wikileaks set off a controversy recently when it posted some 90,000 documents related to the war in Afghanistan. It later said it has another 15,000 documents, which it plans to release soon. The Pentagon has asked WikiLeaks to return all documents belonging to it and delete any records of the same.

A senior US official, however, said the document released Wednesday does not divulge spectacular developments.

“These sorts of analytic products – clearly identified as coming from the agency’s ‘Red Cell’ – are designed to simply provoke thought and present different points of view,” said CIA spokesman George Little.

Another US intelligence official said: “It’s always disturbing when classified information is inappropriately disclosed.” However, the official added, “this is not a blockbuster paper”.

The document is labeled “secret”, the lowest level of classification, they said.

Julian Assange, Wikileaks’ founder and editor, was charged with rape in Sweden recently, but the warrant was revoked a day later by the chief prosecutor.

Assange said the accusations are “clearly a smear campaign”. “The only question is, who was involved?”

US Defence Secretary Robert Gates criticised the leak of documents saying it would have a significant negative impact on troops and allies, revealing techniques and procedures.

Assange later defended the leak, saying it can help shape the public’s understanding of the war. The material was of no operational significance and that WikiLeaks tried to ensure the material did not put innocent people at risk, he said.