New Delhi : The Supreme Court Tuesday directed the Uttar Pradesh government to file an affidavit listing the construction activities it was undertaking at a 195-acre eco-park located on Lucknow’s Jail road.
The park is being developed on the land where the old jail of Lucknow city existed earlier.
The land for the park was made available after the old jail was shifted to new premises set up at Mohanlal Ganj on the outskirts of the city.
An apex court bench of Justice P. Sathasivam and Justice Anil R. Dave issued the direction to the state government on an application filed by Sangamlal Pandey.
Pandey alleged that in the name of constructing a boundary wall, entrance and public convenience, the state government was undertaking huge construction in the green area.
The court said that the affidavit, to be filed by a senior officer of the state, should indicate the construction activities being undertaken at the park.
The court said that from the huge amount of construction material dumped at the eco-park it appears that the state intends to build a huge structure there.