Panaji : Security forces have been posted in sensitive areas of Goa, senior police official said Tuesday ahead of the Supreme court verdict on the Ramjanmabhoomi-Babri Masjid issue in Ayodhya.
Additional forces have also been roped in. “The towns of Margao, Mapusa, Vasco, Ponda and Curchorem have been provided additional force,” Director General of Police (DGP) Bhimsain Bassi told reporters.
Bassi said Section 144 of the Indian Penal Code, which restricts assembly of more than five people, has been imposed in the state.
“Special attention is being paid to areas which have a history of even the slightest communal disharmony,” he said.
“Police have taken all precautions, including appealing to the communities not to fall prey to anti-social elements,” Bassi said.