New Delhi : The Supreme Court Monday directed the chief secretaries of Karnataka, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal to be present in the court Dec 6 to answer why these states have not implemented its directions for police reforms.
Given in a September 2006 judgment, these directives involved setting up state security commissions, fixed tenures for directors general of police (DGP), inspectors general of police (IGP), and separation of investigation from law and order duties.
The court also asked the states to set up a police establishment board and a police complaint authority.
The directions required the state governments to name senior officers who would prepare a panel of three officers, one of whom can be selected as the DGP.
The special bench of the apex court, comprising Chief Justice S.H. Kapadia , Justice Aftab Alam and Justice K.S. Radhakrishnan, pulled up the state governments for not complying with any of these directions given in 2006.