Change Left Front leadership or will change position: Forward Bloc


Kolkata : West Bengal’s Left Front constituent Forward Bloc Monday called for a change in the combine’s leadership in order to regain lost ground among the people and threatened to change its “political position” if efforts were not made to develop “sincere” Left unity.

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“Left Front is down but not out. In order to regain the lost ground, the Left Front of West Bengal should bring a new leadership with a new vision to face the new challenges and to avoid all confusions in handling the allurements of neo-liberal policies,” Forward Bloc general secretary Debabrata Biswas said after the party’s central committee meeting.

Biswas said that the national leadership of Left parties has to think loudly about how to develop sincere Left unity throughout the country without any vanity and ego.”If that does not happen the AIFB will be forced to take other political positions,” said Biswas.

Biswas also alleged that the current Left Front leadership in the state has bourgeois vices within it.

“The people of India should be shown how the role of opposition is played. But this cannot be done with this leadership which thinks it is a know all. The leadership which has bourgeois vices,” said a fuming Biswas.

He also contended that the defeat of the Left Front was due to the failures and wrong steps by the Left Front government and alienation of the masses from the Left.

“People of West Bengal have overwhelmingly responded to the massive slogan of ‘Change’ given by the Trinamool Congress. This response was fuelled by quite a few failures and wrong steps by the Left Front government,” said Biswas.

“Over dependence on bureaucracy, unruly behaviour of Left party leaders and cadres, highhandedness of party leaders, blind and dual approach in implementing neo-liberal policies, are among the reasons behind the defeat of the Left Front. People were also aggrieved due to the use of vulgar language used by few Left leaders against the Trinamool Congress supremo (Mamata Banerjee),” he said.

“Such results don’t happen in a day. People’s grievances go on accumulating for years together and in the end it bursts out in the form of explosion. Left Front’s downward trend was of course knocking at the door after the Singur, Nandigram incidents,” Biswas said.