Complex heart surgery on 26-week premature baby


Gurgaon : A 26-week premature baby girl suffering from congenital heart disorder was successfully treated in this satellite town of the national capital, a doctor said Tuesday.

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An infant born with congenital heart condition who weighed only 700 grams at the time of birth was kept on ventilator support. She was successfully operated last month by a team of doctors at the Artemis Health Institute (AHI) in Gurgaon.

Congenital heart condition is a defect at birth in the structure of the heart and its vessels.

“The baby was born with a congenital heart condition in which two sides of the vessels were abnormally connected, causing overflow of blood to the lungs,” said Prabhat Maheshwari, in-charge neonatal, AHI’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

“The surgery was complex as infants weighing low of 700 grams at time of birth usually have a low chance of survival as they are born with underdeveloped organs and poor immunity,” he said.

Doctors said the process for this kind of surgery is very complex.

“In this infant’s case, medication didn’t work and we were not able to take the baby off the ventilator support. So we had to wait for a few days and then we opted for a surgery to treat her condition,” Maheshwari said.

“The baby is now recovering. She is out of ventilator support and started gaining weight which is a positive sign,” he added.