Chennai : The two top officials of the Indian nuclear establishment Friday met Tamil Nadu’s Chief Secretary Debendranath Sarangi and discussed ways to allay the fears of people in Kudankulam and neighbouring villages where the mega Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KNPP) is being set up.
Atomic Energy Commission chairman Srikumar Banerjee and Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL) chairman and managing director S.K. Jain flew in here and met Sarangi for nearly 45 minutes at the state secretariat, sources said.
India’s nuclear power plant operator NPCIL is building two 1,000 MW reactors with Russian technology and equipment at Kudankulam, around 650 km from here. The first unit is expected to go on stream in December. The project is estimated to cost around Rs.13,160 crore.
Villagers fear for their lives and safety in case of any nuclear accident and the long-term impact it would have on the population.
Speaking to reporters about the meeting, Banerjee said the talks were constructive.
According to him, the discussions were about the measures to be taken in holding talks with the villagers opposed to the nuclear power project and the issues to be deliberated with the state government formed panel.
He said the expert committee set up by the central government would soon interact with the people after working out the modalities.
Banerjee said the hot/trial run of the first reactor was like text book performance.
Queried about the demands of people to close down the project, Banerjee said: “We respect public sentiment.”
However, he said the essential maintenance work at the first reactor has to be carried out as any changes in the parameters would result in irreparable damage.