Chandigarh: The Haryana government Thursday announced the “earn while you learn” scheme for students in government colleges across the state.
Education Minister Geeta Bhukkal said here that an amount of Rs.1.30 crore has been sanctioned under the scheme in which colleges will select certain number of students to engage them in work in the office, library, laboratories and computer labs.
She said that the students would be engaged by the duly constituted committee of four to five college lecturers in related works.
“Meritorious students would be given priority over others and thereafter it would be ensured by the principal concerned that the priority is given to the needy students. For all these jobs, students would be paid at the rate of Rs.100 per hour subject to a maximum of six hours per week per student so that a student could earn Rs.600 per week and Rs.2,400 per month,” she said.
The students would only be engaged when the college council certifies that there was a need to engage students due to shortage of ministerial staff, she added.