New Delhi: Rashtriya Janata Dal leader Lalu Prasad Tuesday said the Lokpal bill should be sent back to the parliamentary standing committee.
“Don’t ignore amendments, send it to the standing committee, the sky will not fall if it is not passed immediately,” he said participating in the debate in the Lok Sabha on the Lokpal bill.
Lending a lighter tone to the serious debate, the RJD chief also said that he was going to constitute an “All India Save Anna Hazare’s Health” committee.
“His life is valuable, on every thing they make him go on fast,” he said.
However, he stressed: “Supremacy of parliament should not be compromised.”
The former railway minister also said jestfully that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was the best candidate for being Lokpal.
“When I was with the standing committee, I tried to know what was the qualification for being a Lokpal. I cannot find anyone more suitable than you (prime minister), bring a strong Lokpal bill, we will make you the Lokpal,” he told a smiling Manmohan Singh.
Lalu Prasad also said the government should not ignore the amendments suggested by opposition parties, but opposed bringing the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) under the Lokpal.
He also said that bringing all government officials under Lokpal will affect functioning of bureaucracy.