By TCN News,
New Delhi: In view of the likely commencement of Barawafat on 4th February – the scheduled date for Ist Phase of UP Assembly elections – Election Commission of India on Sunday decided that the notification for 60 ACs going for poll on 4th February, 2012 shall not be issued on 10th January, 2012 as scheduled.
“This is due to uncertainty about the date of ‘Barawafat’ festival which may also fall on 4th February, 2012. The law and order enforcing agencies and DEOs of Uttar Pradesh also raised this point during Commission’s review meeting at Lucknow on 6th and 7th January, 2012,” said ECI in a press statement today.
The revised schedule for 1st phase ACs (60 ACs) will be announced by the Commission separately.
The Commission has accordingly requested the Governor of Uttar Pradesh that he may be pleased not to issue the notification for 1st Phase (60 ACs) scheduled to be notified on 10th January, 2012.