Intervention of Assam, Central government sought in D-Voters issue

By TCN News,

New Delhi: The National Confederation of Human Rights Organisations (NCHRO) has urged both Assam and Central government to intervene in the issue of ‘D’ Voters of Assam and treat the affected people as human beings and help them live with dignity and rights as Indian Citizens.

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NCHRO organised a seminar on “Denial of Citizenship in Assam” at Constitution Club in New Delhi on 13th March 2012. Several people of Assam who have been classified as D (doubtful) voters narrated their misery at the program.

Victims from Assam, Mrs. Kanchan Nessa, Taizuddin Ahmed, Abul Kasem, Kishmat Ali (LP Teacher), Shamsul Huda (ME Teacher), Manaf Ali and Abdul Samad expressed their bitter experience to the audience. With tears in their eyes, they narrated as to how they are being treated in the name of ‘D’ Voters and Doubtful Citizens.

The programme was chaired by Reny Ayline, National Co-ordinator of NCHRO. Adv. A. Mohamed Yusuff, General Secretary of NCHRO – Tamilnadu Chapter welcomed the gathering. The keynote paper, “Who are the ‘D” Voters?” was presented Dr. A. Bashar, President of NCHRO – Assam Chapter.

The program was also addressed by Prof. Sheikh H.A. Ali – President, Society for Total Empowerment of Minorities, Assam (STEM), Adv. Aminul Islam, Guwahati High Court, Assam, Adv. Monowar Hossain Hahangir, MLA, AIUDF, Assam, Prof. P. Koya – Editor, Thejas Daily, Kerala.

At the end of the seminar, NCHRO passed resolution whereby it urged both Central government and Assam State Government “to intervene into the issue of ‘D’ Voters of Assam, which has been tarnishing their life for a prolong period and treat them as human beings and make the people live with the dignity and to afford their rights as Indian Citizens.” The group also condemned arrest of human rights activists, Adivasis, dalit people in the name of Maoists, arrest of Muslim youths branding them as terrorists and arrest of Journalist Syed Ahmed Kazmi.