Mumbai: The Mumbai railway police Friday released CCTV footage showing a man kidnaping a three-year-old girl from the city’s busiest railway station Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST), an official said.
The footage showed that Sangeeta Pawar was kidnapped June 10 night by a limping, dark-complexioned man.
Sangeeta and her four siblings were sleeping on the platform with their parents who worked as daily wage labourers in the city.
According to Senior Police Inspector of CST Railway Police Station S.M. Deshmukh, Sangeeta’s parents were contract labourers from the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra and were hired to clean railway tracks.
They missed their train to Nagpur June 10 and were spending the night on platform number 14.
“We hope that the viewers will look at the footage and identify the kidnapper or provide information,” Deshmukh said.