Greenpeace warns of climate change

By Xinhua

Bali (Indonesia) : International environment watchdog Greenpeace Monday launched a move by unveiling a giant thermometer outside the venue of the UN climate conference here to warn the delegates of rising global temperatures.

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Delegates from more than 180 countries and regions began their battle in Nusa Dua Bali, Indonesia, from Dec 3 to 14 to share responsibility in securing the planet from global warming.

Words on the 6.7-meter high thermometer said: “Don’t cook the climate!”

“For years, governments have let us, their citizens, down by failing to get to grips with the problem of climate change. They have left us increasingly exposed to the biggest threat that civilization has ever faced,” said Stephanie Tunmore of Greenpeace International.

The group demanded the delegates to set a two-year deadline to agree the action plan needed for the very survival of the planet.

Greenpeace said that the developed countries, responsible for over 80 percent of all the man-made emissions currently in the atmosphere, must also find ways to help the developing world to deal with the impacts of climate change and to obtain clean technology.

The watchdog said it was possible to keep the worst impacts of climate change, such as extreme weather events, water crises and increased hunger, from putting millions of people at risk. This will take a revolution in the way people use and produce energy, and a strong commitment to stop deforestation worldwide.

The volume of greenhouse gases emitted by industrialised nations rose to near-record levels in 2005, the UN has said.