SDPI condemns police firing on Koodankulam protestors

By TCN News,

Bhopal: The Social Democratic Party of India, (SDPI), has expressed anguish over the police action and firing on protesters against nuclear plant in Koodankulam in Tamil Nadu.

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Mr. E. Abubacker, the National President of SDPI, in a statement, accused that the government has failed to convince villagers who are protesting against the plant continuously for more than one year. Meanwhile, it has been decided to upload fuel and commission the plant without mandatory requirements. Even before commissioning it is proved that the plant is meant for death to the people, he stated referring to the police firing and death of one fisherman.

The catastrophe caused by a Nuclear plant cannot be compared to any usual accident as the former would affect the people from generation to generation. Across the globe Journalists, Scientists, Human rights activists etc. are fighting against the Nuclear plants. The whole World was crippled in great grief and shock over the Chernobyl and the Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe. Several countries in the World have chosen to shut down their Nuclear facilities and many other countries are following the same track. In this regard, it is ridiculous and deemed to be condemned that our Government is running behind Nuclear plants, the statement stated.

Right from the announcement of a Nuclear power plant project in the Koodankulam area, the local people are protesting against it. After the March 11, 2011 Japan’s Nuclear plant Catastrophe, this protest got a new dimension. This protest is continuing for the past 390 days by the local people. This protest would definitely catch a place in history. But the Prime minister as well as many other Ministers put blame on foreign, especially American, hand and money in an effort to malign these protests and this is highly condemnable. If it was the matter the government is bound to prove it and bring the culprits under the rule of law. It is also remarkable that the government has not expressed its protest against America for intervening in our internal matters. This allegation seems to be the usual effort of the government to mingle these types of protests with foreign money and it was also evident in the case of protests by Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev, the statement said.

While people were protesting in a peaceful manner, Police resorted to lathi-charge, lobbing of tear gas and firing. One person was killed in the police firing and several others were wounded by the use of excessive force by the Police. Many people have been arrested and this protest had spread across Tamil Nadu, leaving it paralysed. The whole State is gripped with tension and we condemn this heinous act which is against our democracy. The Government would be fooled if it judges that this protests could be brought down by these types of heinous acts, Mr. Abubacker added.

The SDPI has urged the Government to initiate talks with the anti-KKNPP protesters and also demanded to drop the Nuclear power plant project, which is strongly opposed by the people. The SDPI supports this anti-Nuclear power plant project protests right from the very beginning, the statement added.