New Delhi : The residents of Delhi can heave a sigh of relief as Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-ruled Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) proposed its first annual budget with no new taxes.
However, it proposes an increase in toll tax to supplement the revenue.
“No new taxes whatsoever have been proposed. However it has been decided to fix new rates for toll tax for different vehicles, as it has not been hiked since its introduction in 2000,” MCD Commissioner Ashok Kumar Nigam said while proposing the annual budget.
“It would help MCD earn an additional revenue of Rs.700 million, which could be utilised for development works,” he said.
Vijender Gupta, chairman of standing committee, said: “It has been made possible after many years that there is no proposal for any new tax. MCD will progress and march forward towards development without raising any financial loans.”
“For the last 10 years, MCD was taking loans and was paying heavy amount in repayment. Now it has been released from this bondage. MCD is now self-sufficient,” Gupta added.
Gupta said as compared to current financial year, increased provisions have been made for the year 2008-09 in the fields of primary education, medical relief and public health, environment management services, street lighting, horticulture etc.
He said MCD is the only institution in the country with approval of the Supreme Court on advertisement policy.
“It will enable MCD to earn additional income of Rs.3 billion,” Gupta said.