Chennai : Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa Monday reshuffled her cabinet, dropping two ministers and adding two, and also reallocating three portfolios.
In a statement issued by the Raj Bhavan here, Governor K. Rosaiah on Jayalalithaa’s recommendation dropped S.T. Chellapandan, minister for labour, and A. Mohammedian, minister for backward classes and minorities’ welfare.
According to the statement, S.P. Shunmuganathan and S. Abdul Rahim are being inducted into the cabinet as tourism minister and backward classes and minorities welfare minister respectively.
The swearing-in ceremony is scheduled for Tuesday evening.
Rosaiah also approved the changes in the portfolios of some of the ministers as per Jayalalithaa’s recommendations.
As per the fresh allocation of portfolios, K.T. Pachaimal has been made labour minister, while M.S.M. Anandan is the new minister for forests.
P. Chendur Pandian has been appointed minister for Hindu religious and charitable endowments.