London, Jan 11, IRNA ,Less than a third of 32 reconstruction projects completed under the UK’s bilateral and assistance program in Iraq have been scored as ‘completely successful,’ International Development Secretary Douglas Alexander has revealed.
Just 10 of the projects, valued at over one million pounds received the top score for success in meeting their objectives in the five years since the overthrow of Saddam’s regime and none since 2005.
In 2003, all four completed were scored as totally successful, the same number as the following year, when another four were monitored as largely successful and three more as only partially successful.
Also only two out of 12 reconstruction projects finished in 2005 received the top score, while six were largely successful, three partially and one successful just to a limited success.
None of the five projects completed in the last two years were rated as a total success. Just one was largely successful and the other four were only partially successful.
In his written reply to parliament published Thursday, Alexander gave no explanation to the declining success rate of the projects, which are part of the UK’s bilateral program and assistance channeled through the multilateral agencies such as the United Nations and Red Cross.
The DFID has channeled Pnds 70 million to the international reconstruction fund facility for Iraq (IRFFI), a multi-donor trust fund which supports projects of the World Bank and UN agencies.