Apex court throws out rapist father’s mercy plea


New Delhi : The Supreme Court Friday threw out the mercy plea of a man sentenced to life in jail for repeatedly sexually abusing his daughter, saying “such people need not be heard”.

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A bench headed by Justice Arijit Pasayat refused to admit the plea of the father, Hanuman Singh, a resident of Ajmer in Rajasthan. Singh was convicted by a local sessions court for repeatedly raping and sodomising his eldest daughter for over six months in 2000.

According to the prosecution, Singh’s estranged wife, Shanti Devi, had registered the rape case against him.

Shanti Devi, while leaving her husband’s home for her parent’s house at Kishangarh in Rajasthan, left behind her three children – two daughters and a son. She had been married for 35 years.

She, however, used to visit her children occasionally. In September 2000, when she went to meet her children, her eldest daughter began sobbing before her and insisted on going along with her.

When Shanti Devi took her daughter to her parent’s house in Kishangarh, the daughter told her how her father had been subjecting her to rape for the last six months and forcing her to keep quiet by emotionally blackmailing her or threatening her with dire consequences.

Hanuman Singh had argued before the trial court and the Rajasthan High Court that his daughter was implicating him on false charges. However, both courts refused to believe him.