Paris : A majority of French people polled on President Nicolas Sarkozy believe that his actions “are not going in the right direction, ” although they do favourably view his role in representing France abroad, according to a magazine survey to be published at the end of this week.
Sarkozys policies and actions were viewed negatively by 52 percent of the 960 people in the straw poll, while only 37 percent said they thought those policies were going in the right direction, according to the survey for pollster CSA to be published in Fridays edition of “Valeurs Actuelles.” The latest survey indicates that between December and January, Sarkozys disapproval rating has risen from 44 percent to 52 percent at a time of falling purchasing power and concerns about the economy and criticism of the President for bringing his private life too much into the limelight, although he blames the media for this.
For the first time in December, more people disapproved of the Presidents policies than approved of them, a first since he was elected in May last year.
A majority of French people, 51 percent, still believe the President is the one to implement reform in France, although this is four percent lower than earlier polls.
On the foreign front, also, 65 percent of French people feel Sarkozy is doing a good job representing France and defending its interests.