By EuAsiaNews
Brussels : U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has praised the contribution of Indian women in the progress of their country.
“In countries like India, for example, women are making great strides in joining global economy and the growing opportunities contributing to rising power of their nation,” she told an international women’s conference in Brussels Thursday afternoon.
In Pakistan, she noted, the US is cooperating with an NGO to establish a teacher development centre to help teachers offer critical math and science curriculum for girls and boys.
Rice also praised the role of women in Kuwait saying they worked hard for decades to win the right to vote as equal citizens.
On the eve of the International Women’s Day, more than 50 international women leaders met in Brussels to discuss the twin themes of security and women’s empowerment.
The conference, organised by EU Commissioner for external relations Benita Ferrero-Waldner, under the title “Women: stabilising an insecure world”, provided a forum to discuss the critical contribution that women can make to solve the challenges of today’s world .
Ferrero-Waldner told the conference that women are often key players in promoting human security at a local level and global decision making.
“And at times of crisis women bear the brunt: as I saw for myself when I visited Sri Lanka in the aftermath of the Tsunami or we are currently seeing in the Middle East,” she added.