By Prensa Latina
Washington : United States Democrat presidential contenders, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have called for the withdrawal of soldiers from Iraq, where the death toll of US soldiers reached 4000.
“It is time to end this war that never should have begun,” commented the latter Illinois senator recalling the number of soldiers who lost their lives there.
The best tribute to those who fell is to help their families and attend surviving veterans, added the Afro American congressman.
Last week Obama promised that if he reached the White House he would recall the military deployed in that Arab nation adding that it was the correct move for national security.
History will judge us for promoting an unnecessary war, Obama exclaimed, and denounced president George W. Bush for beginning a war without any proof.
“There were neither weapons of mass destruction in Iraq nor ties with the leaders of the September 11 attacks in 2001, nor were there ties with the Al Qaeda network,” he pointed out.
For her part, his democrat rival expressed the need to end the war that has lasted five years.
“I have seen war veterans and made a promise that I intend to honor by putting an end to that war,” the New York senator said.