Pakistan angrily reacts to CIA chief’s remarks


Islamabad : Pakistan on Wednesday angrily reacted to remarks from the American CIA chief, who had criticized the policies of President Pervez Musharraf in dealing with terrorism in the tribal region.

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“Such a statement does not help trace alleged hide-outs,” Pakistani Foreign Ministry spokesman Muhammad Sadiq told his weekly press briefing.

Speaking at a TV show on Sunday the CIA chief General Michael Hayden had also hinted operation in the Pakistani regions by the American forces.

Sadiq said there is a clear understanding for operations along the border, adding that Pakistan’s security forces are exclusively responsible for action on our side of the border while ISAF, NATO and Afghan National Army are responsible for action on the other side.

“Terrorists have threatened Pakistan and targeted our people. We are, therefore, combating terrorism in our own interest”.

He, however, cautioned that Pakistan does not want its efforts to be undermined by any ill-conceived action from any quarter that is inconsistent with the principles of international law and would be deeply resented in the tribal areas and generally in Pakistan. Such action will be irresponsible and dangerous.

He said Pakistan and the United States are partners in the international campaign against terrorism.

It would be counter-productive to create an impression of any divergences or differences on the issue of counter-terrorism or take any step detrimental to our counter-terrorism cooperation.

The spokesman emphasized that a comprehensive strategy, including political and socio-economic development components, is essential for success in the counter-terrorism endeavour.

He said Pakistan and the coalition have effective information and intelligence sharing and Islamabad would take action if any actionable intelligence is provided. He said the basis of our cooperation is well-defined and well-understood. It is important to focus on effective cooperation and coordination rather than talk of actions that would further complicate our ongoing efforts to fight Al-Qaeda and other terrorist elements.