New Delhi : Railway Minister Lalu Prasad is keen to introduce an array of innovative measures including retail vegetable outlets at railway stations and palmtops for travelling ticket examiners (TTEs).
"Railway stations will soon have exclusive retail outlets for selling vegetables as that would become an additional source of income for farmers," Lalu Prasad told reporters here Monday on the sidelines of an event organised by the National Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM).
"Farmers today do not have proper marketing and sales knowledge and it is necessary to provide them with additional means of earning money," he reiterated.
The project initially would be introduced in 7,500 stations across the country, said the minister, adding that his ministry was also looking for potential partners for it.
Lalu Prasad said he was planning to provide palmtops for the travelling ticket examiners (TTEs) to ensure smooth train traffic and also maintain a database of seats available.
Though the minister seemed very enthusiastic about these initiatives, he did not give out details about when they would be introduced.