By Xinhua,
Yangon : A total of 327 tonnes of aid supplies have so far been transported to the storm-hit areas, mainly in the Irrawady delta region, by Myanmar authorities, New Light of Myanmar reported Thursday.
The areas include Bogale, Kamatalu, Kyeinchaung, Setsan, Kyonda, Amar, Pathein, Laputta and Myaungmya, the state-run newspaper said.
The report said the Committee for Reconstruction of Towns and Villages of the Department of Human Settlement and Housing Development has laid down a specific plan for immediate reconstruction of necessary buildings in storm-hit towns and villages.
The southwestern Irrawady and Yangon division will be covered as part of an emergency project that includes supply of safe water, electricity, reconstruction of roads and bridges and operation of postal services, besides others.
According to local media reports, there is still an urgent need for medicines and daily essential items in the relief camps in disaster-hit areas.
Countries which have brought in aid supplies, include Thailand, China, the US, Singapore, India, Russia, Italy, Bangladesh, Japan, Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Ukraine, Greece, Pakistan, South Korea and Australia.
Myanmar Prime Minister General Thein Sein in a meeting with his Thai counterpart Samak Sundaravej Wednesday in Yangon said: “The first phase of the relief work has been completed and the second phase is underway.”
According to a local news report, relief camps have been set up in all the disaster-hit areas. Thirty-two relief camps were opened in Maubin, Wakema and Myaungmya alone.
A team of 30 Thai doctors would head for Yangon Friday to help the cyclone victims in that country, the Thai News Agency reported.
A severe tropical cyclone Nargis, which occurred over the Bay of Bengal, hit the country’s five divisions and states – Irrawady, Yangon, Bago, Mon and Kayin on May 2 and 3. Irrawady and Yangon are the worst hit regions.
According to a revised toll Wednesday, at least 38,491 people have been killed in the storm. Around 27,838 people are still missing.