Pakistani lawmakers condemn American air strikes on tribal region


Islamabad : Pakistani lawmakers on Tuesday condemned a recent American air strike in the country’s tribal region and said that many innocent people were killed in the attack.

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The last month missile strike by American drone at Bajaur tribal region had killed over 12 people.

Pakistan Foreign Ministry had confirmed missiles were fired by the US forces in Afghanistan.

The National Assembly, lower house of the parliament, opened discussion on adjournment motions about air attack on Damadola village of Bajour Agency.

Initiating the debate Munir Khan Orakzai, a member from tribal region of Orakzai said “American drones are frequently violating our air space and carrying out attack resulting into killing of scores of people”.

He said the latest attack came at a time when peace negotiations in Tribal Areas were in the final stage and it was apparently aimed at sabotaging the process.

He demanded that instead of lodging protest “we should give warning to the other side and take retaliatory action against any incursion”.

Kamran Khan a member from north Wazirisan tribal region said Tribal people were neither terrorists nor narrow minded but peaceful citizens of Pakistan.

“They have ably defended western frontiers of the country during the last sixty years and rendered immense sacrifices”.

He supported the peace initiatives of the present government and appreciated announcement of the relief package for the affected people.

Engineer Shaukatullah from Bjaur said people in the tribal region are scared due to aerial bombardment and it is responsibility of the government to protest life of its citizens.

He was also of the view that those killed in such attacks are not paid any compensation dubbing them as terrorists.

Barjees Tahir a member belonging to PML-N party was of the view “we cannot pursue independent policies until and unless the country stands on its own feet economically”.

He regretted that people of tribal regions are being targeted by foreign forces due to wrong policies of the previous government.

Maulana Attaur Rehman of alliance of Islamic groups, the MMA, said the northwest is a peaceful region but some forces are trying to create law and order problem there.

He emphasized the need to resolve all issues through dialogue.

Sahibzada Fazal Karim a member of PML-N said Muslims are unjustifiably being targeted in the name of so called war on terror.