Protesters clash with police in Mongolia, 40 injured

By Xinhua,

Ulan Bator : At least 40 people were injured when protesters clashed with police in Mongolia’s capital Ulan Bator on Tuesday, protesting alleged fraud in last weekend’s parliamentary election.

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Some 1,000 people, who said there were fraudulent practices in the ballot counting of Sunday’s vote, took to the streets to stage a protest.

Electoral authorities have yet to release the final results of the election, but local media reported that the ruling Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party (MPRP) won more than half the seats in the 76-seat parliament, or Great Hural.

The protesters clashed with police while trying to enter the MPRP’s headquarters. They destroyed the gate and windows of the building, set fire to the rooms and burned a car.

Police tried to dispel them with rubber bullets and both sides attacked each other.

Earlier in the day, the Mongolian Democratic Party, another major party in the country, called on the General Election Commission to count the ballots again.

According to local media reports, the Mongolian Democratic Party won more than 20 seats in parliament.

Meanwhile, Mongolian President Nambaryn Enkhbayarand urged the protesters to stop lawless actions immediately, saying all issues should be settled in accordance with law.

Parliamentary elections are held every four years in Mongolia.