Russia, U.S. presidents to discuss security, missile shield plans

By RIA Novosti,

Moscow : The Russian and U.S. presidents will discuss security, U.S. missile shield plans for Europe, trade and energy issues at their meeting in Japan, an aide to the Russian president said on Sunday.

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Dmitry Medvedev and George Bush will meet as part of a summit of the G8 group of industrialized nations on Hokkaido Island in Japan on July 7-9.

Sergei Prikhodko said that the meeting between the Russian and U.S. president was a good opportunity for both leaders to discuss topical bilateral and international issues.

“Of all the issues, which the presidents are expected to discuss, I would like to single out security and strategic stability. This is the traditional sphere where our countries, by virtue of well-known reasons, bear special responsibility before the international community,” Prikhodko said.

According to the presidential aide, the Russian and U.S. leaders are expected to discuss joint efforts in the struggle against international terrorism, the spread of mass destruction weapons and in solving key regional problems, for example, in the Middle East, Afghanistan, the Korean peninsula and the Iran nuclear program.

Prikhodko also said that the Russian side would express its concerns at the meeting over Washington’s missile shield plans for Central Europe.

Moscow has strongly opposed the possible deployment by the U.S. of 10 interceptor missiles in Poland and a radar in the Czech Republic as a threat to its security and nuclear deterrence. Washington says the defenses are needed to deter possible strikes from “rogue states.”

Another issue on the agenda of a meeting between the Russian and U.S. leaders will be the Jackson-Vanik amendment, which restricts Russian-U.S. trade relations, Prikhodko said.

The Jackson-Vanik amendment was passed in 1974 and restricted trade with the Soviet Union over human rights violations. The amendment, which still applies to Russia, puts restrictions on Russian-American trade relations but Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization would require the amendment be lifted.