Washington : Pledging close relationship with Pakistan, Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte has said Washington stands for Pakistan’s success and is working to assist it in meeting energy and food challenges.
“Pakistan is a key American partner. We are working closely with Pakistan’s government and people to improve economic development, resolve food and energy problems, and counter violent extremists,” he stated.
The U.S. diplomat was addressing a Seeds of Peace reception held at the State Department for young people from Pakistan and India, who completed a three-week conflict resolution program in Maine.
“The 24 young people we celebrate today will bring the skills, perspectives, and experiences gained over the past three weeks back to their homes in India and Pakistan, two countries that are important friends and partners of the United States, and two countries we want to see succeed,” he told the reception also attended by Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States Husain Haqqani and his Indian counterpart in Washington.
U.S. top official for South Asia, Richard Boucher also attended the event.Negroponte said educational exchanges are central to efforts to deepen ties between the American people and Indians and Pakistanis. “I know you will continue your efforts to improve relations between your countries. I encourage you to seek out opportunities at home to support tolerance and understanding. Your dedication to religious and cultural tolerance, coexistence, and dialogue is important to achieving lasting peace.”
Stressing the importance of holding on to ability to imagine a hopeful future, he remarked progress on the road top peace is often frustratingly slow, and worse, sometimes suffers major setbacks.
“The challenge is to keep imagining a better future and to keep working to make what you imagine real. A principle of U.S. foreign policy is that we have no permanent enemies. This principle challenges us to imagine that our enemies today can be our friends tomorrow, and to work to make that vision a reality. By participating in Seeds of Peace, you’ve shown that you have the imagination and dedication to carry this principle home, and to help give your societies the precious gift of peace”.
Pakistani participant Maria Azim and Indian Parikshit Choudhury shared their experiences at the program about how they learnt about each other’s point of view.
Janet Wallach, wife of the late Seeds of Peace founder, John Wallach, highlighted the importance of self-examination in realizing the quest for peace and grasping opportunity for a hopeful future.