Washington : U.S. President George W. Bush spoke on the HIV/AIDS epidemic on Friday ahead of World AIDS Day on Saturday.
The annual commemoration of the global fight against the AIDS epidemic, with around 33 million currently living with the disease, is aimed at bringing attention to curing the disease and preventing future occurrences, White House Press Secretary Dana Perino said.
“When Americans witness this suffering [caused by HIV/AIDS], they feel a duty to respond…we will turn the tide against HIV/AIDS, once and for all” Bush said. The president’s sentiments were echoed by Ambassador Mark Dybul, who is the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator. Dybul said that “the tide is turning” in reducing cases of infections, and added that “radically things have changed.”
“This World AIDS Day is a day of importance, because it’s a day we resolve to continue this work of healing and redemption. It’s a day to strive for the day when the scourge of AIDS is a part of history…As well, we make friends who will always remember that American stood with them in their hour of need” Bush said.