By Prensa Latina
Luanda : Democratic Republic of Congo’s Joint Chief of Staff Dieudonne Kayembe has requested assistance from Angola to form a unified army in his country, it was reported on Wednesday.
Kayembe started an official visit to Angola yesterday, and met with Angolan Armed Forces Assistant Chief Gen. Geraldo Sachipengo Nunda.
He reported Angolan authorities are very willing to assist with training of squadrons, not only in the Army, but also in the Navy and Air Force.
Kayembe referred to the convulsed situation in the east of his country, affected both by irregular forces from Rwanda and an armed group commanded by seditious Gen. Laurent Nkunda.
The Army chief said the Congolese Army beat back attacks against Mushake, by forces loyal to Laurent Nkunda, and the battles are still waging.
The Congolese forces took Mushake last week, a pivotal place for the rebels, who claimed to have regained it yesterday.