Hamas-sponsored conference opens in Gaza against Annapolis meeting

By Xinhua

Gaza : A Hamas-sponsored conference kicked off in Gaza City at noon on Monday in opposition to an upcoming U.S.-hosted peace conference to be held in Annapolis on Tuesday.

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The Islamic Jihad (Holy War), the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine — General Command joint the conference in addition to academics.

Addressing the opening session of the conference, Mohammed al-Hendi, a senior Islamic Jihad leader, said holding the conference is to show that “the Palestinian people are still alive and have not turned to dead body.”

“The conference is to announce the rise of the Palestinian people who will not beg their rights” from U.S. President George W. Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as well as Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and his Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni.

Al-Hendi said that Annapolis conference will “promote a false illusion of a Palestinian statehood on 10 percent of the real Palestinian land.”

Such a state will be divided and Israel will surround it from every corner, he said, warning, “The task of such a state would be striking the resistance and protecting Israel.”

Al-Hendi added that Annapolis conference “will fail and be buried soon like all other conferences and agreements with Israel.”

The Islamic Jihad leader stressed that “the resistance and unity are the only things which will determine the future of the conflict,” adding that Annapolis can’t secure freedom and independence for the Palestinians.

Hussam Adwan, a representative of university lecturers, said that Annapolis “was the biggest operation of political trickery that will be an introduction to tie-normalization with Israel” and more aggression.

For its part, Hamas said the Palestinian delegation to Annapolis, headed by Abbas, “doesn’t represent the Palestinian people and has no authorization.”

“The delegation is away from the people’s will,” said Osama al-Muzini, a senior Hamas leader, adding that “no one has the right to give up any national principle.”

He underlined that resistance was the only way to get the rights back. “What was taken by force can never be restored without force.”

Meanwhile, Hamas said it was determined to hold a forum in the Syrian capital against the U.S.-hosted peace conference in Annapolis.

“We will hold a conference in Damascus though it is not in parallel to Annapolis one and we will hold other conferences in Asia and Europe,” Ayman Taha, a spokesman for Hamas, told reporters.