Bridge the gap between modern educated and ulema: Maulana Parvez Alam Qasmi

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Mumbai: Muslims Ummah has two group of educated people, one who are educated in modern subjects and others who master Islamic studies. Both groups need to work together, said Maulana Parvez Alam Qasmi a scholar in Islamic jurisprudence and Mohadith at Jamia Jalalia Hojai, Assam. He was addressing the students at the annual ‘Convocation 2006-7’ of Markazul Ma’arif Education & Research Centre (MMERC), Mumbai, this Sunday.

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He said that the educated section of the Ummah is divided into two groups, one lead by modern educated and the other by ulema who are educated in traditional madrasas.

“The former thinks they are real leaders of Muslims while the latter is confined only to the religious deeds. The latter is rather considered to be a hindrance and unproductive burden on Ummah.” He went on to say that the Centre has tried efficiently to bridge the gap between these two classes. “Twenty first century has a lot in store for Muslims,” he added, “and you have to take up the responsibility” he exhorted the out going students of MMERC.

He extolled the endeavours of the Centre in imparting contemporary education to the Madrasa graduates.

Mr. Shamsul Haque Choudhary, vice president Markazul Ma’arif (NGO), Hojai Assam who presided over the convocation said that he was pleased to see the excellent demonstration by MMERC students. It is because of MMERC that some Ulema and modern educated people are looking forward to come closer. “This is the need of hour”, he said and informed that Markazul Ma’arif has established MMERC to cement the gap amongst learned people.

The convocation began with the Qur’an recitation by Abu Saeed Azmi who later translated the recited verses into English. Mufti As’ad who teaches English at MMERC said that the Centre has put its entire efforts to produce scholars well-versed in English language as well modern communication tools as they are invaluable assets for Muslims. “It’s for you to judge our efforts,” he asked the listeners while making his welcoming speech.

Students from MMERC were applauded by audience for their enthusiastic oratories on topics as varied as ‘Polygamy in Islam’, ‘Importance of Education in Islam’, ‘Tolerance in Islam’ & ‘Islam and Terrorism’.

A group of 13 students also presented a well scripted, well acted play ‘Unschooled Justice’ which also tickled the audiences’ bones.

In his keynote speech the director of MMERC, Maulana Burhanuddin Qasmi said that the Centre finds great pleasure in sending back the invaluable assets back to the community. Maulana Qasmi appealed the departing graduates to give top most priority to the Islamic preaching as well as practice and should hold fast the truth. He praised extensively the initiatives taken by Maulana Badruddin Ajmal Al-Qasmi and his friends who founded MMERC in 1994 which has proved its usefulness for the community and its model copied elsewhere in the country.

Throwing light on the history, objectives and background of MMERC, Mohammad Khalid Qasmi, MMERC lecturer, advised the departing students to adhere to the principles they learned during their years here. “Serve your nation; this is what we taught you” he said.

Prof. Muhammad Arif, lecturer at Saboo Siddique College expressed his happiness over his attachment to the Centre who also exhorted the students to further improve their diction.

Others who expressed their feelings were Tauqeer Ahmad Qasmi, Rizwan Ahmad Qasmi and Mr. Jafar Shaikh. The programme ended with the handing out of the certificates and other awards. Maulana Sajid Qasmi, lecturer, presented the details of the awards and the annual educational report of MMERC.