Iran calls U.S. commander’s Iraq report justification of “false strategies and failure”

By Xinhua

Tehran : Iran said on Wednesday that the latest report of the commander of U.S. forces in Iraq to the Congress is a justification of Washington’s “false strategies and the failures” in Iraq.

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Top U.S. military commander in Iraq David Petraeus on Tuesday accused Iran of fueling violence in Iraq, saying Tehran’s influence on militias in Iraq remains the longest-term threat to the war-torn country.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad-Ali Hosseini said that such statements have got its roots in the lack of insight into the current realities in Iraq.

He highlighted this report disclosed that U.S. forces have failed to attain their aims in Iraq in spite of the increase in the number of U.S. troops in Iraq.

Hosseini said the failure in this war have led to increasing discontent in the U.S. and the split in the conformity of their ruling system.

The real solution to the crisis in Iraq is to respect the wills and demands of the Iraqi people and to withdraw from the country on the basis of a schedule, he said.

Speaking to the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday, Petraeus said Iran is playing a “destructive” role in Iraq by supporting Shiite militias in the country.

The U.S. general made the accusations one day after the State Department confirmed that Washington is prepared to resume long-delayed talks with Iran on security in Iraq.

The United States, which accuses Iran of providing weapons and funds to the insurgents to fight against coalition forces in Iraq, has held three rounds of talks with Iran over Iraq’s security issue but failed to reach any agreement.

Iran denies the U.S. accusations, saying “the U.S. just wanted to find excuses for its failed policies in Iraq” and it was the existence of U.S. forces that made the war-torn country volatile.