Kuwaitis hope new MPs would serve people”s causes, avoid sensationalism

By Kawthar Al-Ghanim, KUNA

Kuwait : Kuwaiti citizens expressed their hope that the next National Assembly (NA) members would serve the people’s true causes, fulfill their promises, and avoid sensationalism and stirring of tension.

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They told KUNA, in separate interviews, that they hope the NA would discuss urgent issues with transparency and sincerity.

Jasim Abdulaziz, an engineer, stressed on the importance of caring for youth, creative people, and inventors. They must be recognized and their talents invested for the development of the society, he said.

He pointed out that the next MPs should also care about administrative reform and political, social, economic, and security issues, and put an end to inflation and housing problems, as well as improve health services.

Artist Jamal Al-Ali for his part hoped that the members of parliament would live up to their responsibility, prioritize public interest, and serve all Kuwaitis, rather than those living in specific areas.

He also pointed out that it is important that the NA finds a solution for the unemployment problem and puts an end to the “wasta” phenomenon, which is abusing one’s connections to meet ends not possible without such mediation.

MPs must serve as example for everyone in upholding the law, he stressed.

Anwar Al-Khaldi, an engineer, meanwhile stressed that MPs should avoid escalating tension between the NA and the government and concentrate on constructive dialogue, solving the unemployment issues, and improving health, educational, and housing services instead.

Meanwhile, Wafa Al-Ghanim hoped the new MPs would cooperate and adopt the issues concerning women, especially widows and divorcees.

For her side, Manal Al-Mutairi, a teacher, expressed her hope that the NA would consider all issues thoroughly and develop the educational policy and curricula.