Iran condemns Israel’s insolent, outrageous, unprovoked threats


UN HQ., New York : Iran on Thursday condemned Israel’s continued “insolent, outrageous and unprovoked” threats against Iran.

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“… I wish to inform you that the Israeli regime has continued with its insolent, outrageous and unprovoked threats against the Islamic Republic of Iran,” read a letter that Iran’s Ambassador and permanent representative to the UN Mohammad Khazaee sent to the UN Security Council President Dumisani Shadrack Kumalo.

Full text of the letter, a copy of which was made available to IRNA New York office on Friday, is as follows:
“Upon instructions from my Government and in pursuance of the previous letters of this Mission, including letters circulated as documents A /61/571-S/2006/884, A/61/954-S/2007/354 and
A/62/705-S/2008/117, I wish to inform you that the Israeli regime has continued with its insolent, outrageous and unprovoked threats against the Islamic Republic of Iran. In this regard, and in yet another manifestation of the terrorist, aggressive and criminal nature of the Israeli regime and in gross violation of the most basic principles of international law and the United Nations Charter, the Israeli Infrastructure Minister, Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, made a blatant threat against Iran, on 7 April 2008, by saying that his regime “will destroy the Iranian nation.”
“This malicious statement which follows many others made in the past by other Israeli regime’s representatives – some of which are reflected in our aforesaid letters – is in full contempt for the basic provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, particularly the provisions which call for refraining “from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations”.

The impunity with which the Israeli regime has been allowed to continue its aggressive policies in threatening other nations ,and the inaction of the Security Council in this regard ,has emboldened the said regime to pursue this dangerous course .Therefore ,the Security Council should react to these vicious statements by unambiguously condemning them and calling on the said regime to cease and desist immediately from the threat of using force against Members of the United Nations.

“I should be grateful if you could bring the contents of this letter to the attention of the members of the Security Council and to circulate it as a document of the Council .I am also sending an identical letter to the United Nations Secretary-General.

“Mohammad Khazaee
“Permanent Representative
“H.E. Mr. Dumisani Shadrack Kumalo
“President of the Security Council
“United Nations, New York”