US reaffirms close ties with Pakistan, says presidiential election internal matter


Washington : The United States said election of next president in Pakistan is the country’s internal matter for the Pakistanis to determine as it renewed its strong commitment to wide-ranging ties with the South Asian country.

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“With regard to Pakistan presidency, that is really very much an internal Pakistani matter. The Pakistani people will have to determine who their next president will be,” State Department deputy spokesman Robert Wood said on Tuesday.

He reaffirmed Washington’s commitment to work with the elected Pakistani government in the fight against violent extremism.

“The relationship between the United States and Pakistan is very important, we are engaged in very serious efforts to battle extremism in both Pakistan and Afghanistan, and we look forward to continuing our cooperation with the current government in battling extremism.”

In reply to a question, whether U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Zalmay Khalilzad’s was out of line to have contacts with top political leadership in Pakistan, Wood said he would not characterize it any way except to say that Khalilzad “has many contacts in the South Asian region and the Middle East as well, he talks to various leaders, the Secretary and President respect his counsel and you know these are not unusual conversations to have with other leaders.” The spokesman said he would not add anything to his remarks.

Asked if Khalilzad muddled Washington’s message to Pakistan, he replied: “No, our message to Pakistan is very clear that they are an important ally, we need to work together on a wide range of issues most notably war against extremism.”

He said Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has confidence in Ambassador Khalilzad. The spokesman had nothing to say whether there would be any disciplinary action against the diplomat.