Mumbai Attacks Make Indian Leaders Resign

By Martin Hacthoun, Prensa Latina,

New Delhi : The Minister Chief of Maharashtra, whose capital is Mumbai, Vilasrao Deshmukh resigned Monday under a wave of criticism due to the form in which he responded to terrorist attacks that have killed nearly 200.

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Vice minister Chief R.R. Patil has previously resigned under strong criticism too.

In declarations to the press Deshmukh said that he accepted his moral responsibility for the three-day terrorist violence in the economic and commercial capital of India and for that reason he decided to resign.

He noted that the Executive Committee of the Congress Party (CP) has to decide about his future from now on.

Maharashtra government, in power since four years ago, is the CP and NCP (Nationalist Congress Party) coalition; Deshmukh is member of the first and Patil in the second.

According to Times Now Ministers of the Union Ptitviraj Chavan and Sushil Kumar are the most probable candidate to replace Deshmukh while the NCP leader Chagan Bhujbal seemed to have been chosen to replace Patil.

Their resignation took place after the Indian Interior Minister Shivraj Patil resigned amidst strong denunciation of his procedure.

After the three-day nightmare life begins to turn normal in Mumbai with the opening of schools, trades, business and government institutions although fear prevails and responses to the event are being sought.

Death toll, wounded and damages have not yet been reported although some sources reported that at least 183 people died while others reported 195, they all agreed in over 320 wounded.