Tradition of Eid al-Ghadir


Tehran : Eid al-Ghadir clearly shows that because of Ali’s (AS) appointment to the Imamate the religion was perfected, the bounty; and favor of Allah completed, and Islam approved by Allah.

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On the arrival of this glad tiding from heaven the believers congratulated ‘Ali in the Prophet’s presence and many poets composed poems on this event. All these facts stand recorded in books of tradition as will be seen in the following pages.

Oath of Allegiance
After his speech, the Messenger of Allah (SAWA) asked everybody to give the oath of allegiance to Ali (AS) and congratulate him.

Among those who did so was ‘Umar bin al-Khattab, who said: “Well done Ibn Abi Talib! Today you became the Leader (mawla) of all believing men and women.”

Number of People in Ghadir Khumm Allah ordered His Prophet (SAWA) to inform the people of this designation at a time of crowded populous so that all could become the narrators of the tradition, while they exceeded a hundred thousand.

Narrated by Zayd bin Arqam: Abu al-Tufayl said: “I heard it from the Messenger of Allah (SAWA), and there was no one (there) except that he saw him with his eyes and heard him with his ears.” Hassan bin Thabit’s poetry Immediately after the Holy Prophet’s speech, Hassan bin Thabit, the Companion and poet of the Messenger of Allah (SAWA), asked for his permission to compose a few verses of poetry about Imam Ali (AS) for the audience.

The Holy Prophet (SAWA) said: “Say with the blessings of Allah.” Hassan stood up and said: “O’ people of Quraysh. I follow with my words what preceded and witnessed by the Messenger of Allah (SAWA).

He then composed the following verses at the scene:

He calls them, (on) the day of Ghadir, their Prophet in Khumm so hear (and heed) the Messenger’s call, He said: “Who is your guide and leader? (mawlakum wa waliyyukum)”