Kochi, India : In the backdrop of the Mumbai terror attacks, Union Minister of State for Commerce Jairam Ramesh said he has put off his next month’s visit to Pakistan, asserting that the country “cannot continue business as usual in the context of current political environment”.
“It is disappointing that with Pakistan we have to go slow. We cannot continue business as usual in the context of current political environment,” the Minister told reporters here on Saturday.
Ramesh said he had “put off” his visit to Pakistan scheduled for January.
The two sides were expected to review the cross-LoC commerce which commenced from October 21 and also discuss measures to strengthen trade through the Wagah-Attari border route.
The Minister said government efforts to step up Tea exports to Pakistan were also “put on pause” due to Mumbai terror attacks.
“Government backed tea promotion activity to Pakistan are put on pause,” he said India expects to export about 15 million to 20 million tonnes of tea to Pakistan this year.
During a meeting between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari, it was decided to allow tea to be sent to Pakistan through the Wagh border and the rail route.
“All this will have to wait,” he said.