By staff reporter
Hyderabad : On Hyderabad visit of a delegation of the National Commission for Minorities, the Majlis Bachao Tehreek (MBT) presented them a memorandum discussing problems facing the Muslim community in Andhra Pradesh. The delegation was there to enquire about the plight of minorities in the state.
The memorandum mentions the police brutality, partiality and oppression that Muslims had to suffer through in the recent past. After bomb blasts at Mecca Masjid, Gokul Chat and Lumbini Park in the city, several innocent Muslim youths were detained and tortured. Several innocent Muslim youths are being harassed in the name of Bangladeshi migrants, MBT said.
False cases are being filed against Urdu newspaper editors and presspersons. A case (vide C.C. No. 24 / 2007 ) on Zahid Ali Khan, editor Siasat daily and his staff has been filed in the court of Metropolitan Session Judge whereas the persons who attacked the editors and presspersons are still at large and are being given patronage by the local police, the memorandum said. The state government should be asked to withdraw the cases immediately, demanded the MBT.
MBT expressed an urgent need for a re-inquiry in the fake encounter of Sohrabuddin and the role of state police in it. More than 24 Muslim youths said to be in police custody or killed are missing since 1999. A special enquiry should be conducted in it. MBT also raised the issue of vacant posts at Urdu Arts College.