By staff reporter
New Delhi: Muslims are an integral part of India and so they should have all rights and facilities available to other communities in the country, said Justice Rajinder Sachar of Delhi High Court. He was releasing a special issue of Urdu daily Secular Qayadat on Sachar Committee Report at Constitution Club in New Delhi on 18th February. A seminar on ‘Implementation of Sachar Committee Recommendations and its Methodology’ was also organized here on this occasion.
Quoting Maulana Abul Kalam Azad’s words: “I am a Muslim and I am proud of it, I am an integral part of this country and this country could not be complete without me,” Justice Sachar said to divide the country between Hindus and Muslims is treason against the country as everybody has got equal rights and equal treatment should be meted out to everyone.
Maulana Wali Rahmani of Munger’s Khanqah Ramani said some people are taking the Sachar Committee report from communal angles; they should view it from an Indian’s viewpoint. Th report talks about the problems of the largest minority of the country. Every sixth person of this country is a Muslim and if Muslims do not make progress, the country’s progress cannot be complete, he said.
In his presidential address, chairman of India Islamic Cultural Center, Sirajuddin Qureshi appealed to Muslims to focus their attention on education and trade. He praised Urdu newspapers for awakening the community on social, political and economic issues.