Lebanon hails Kuwait, condemns embassy threat

By Omar al-Halabi, KUNA

Beirut : Lebanese Foreign Minister Fawzi Salloukh here Saturday commended His Highness Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah’s relentless support for Lebanon He was speaking to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) following his visit to the Kuwaiti Embassy in Beirut to show support for the State of Kuwait after an anonymous phone attack threat against the embassy a couple of days ago.

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He hailed deep relations between Lebanon and Kuwait, which no one can undermine.

He added that he had visited the Kuwaiti Embassy in order reiterate condemnation and denunciation of the recent anonymous telephone threat to attack the building with two rockets.
Such attempts, which aimed to foment tensions between Lebanon and the sisterly state of Kuwait, will fail to undermine close brotherly ties between both nations, the Lebanese minister challenged.

He also vowed that security measures would be tightened around all foreign embassies and diplomatic missions in Lebanon.
He added that investigations were still on to find the caller, who threatened to fire two rockets at the Kuwaiti embassy.
For his part, Kuwaiti Ambassador in Lebanon Abdelal al-Qanai said the Lebanese foreign minister had reaffirmed his governmental and popular support for Kuwait in face of such an irresponsible threat.

Vowing continuous Kuwaiti support for Lebanon and its people in their unfinished distress, al-Qanai said such threats would not shake Kuwaiti confidence in, or love to, Lebanon.

Nor would they impact on Kuwaiti efforts to help Lebanon wriggle out of its quagmire, he said.

However, he said there was no need for Kuwaiti nationals and students in Lebanon to leave the country.

Kuwaiti nationals were advised to delay travel to Lebanon because of a security threat against its Beirut embassy.
The embassy was evacuated after an anonymous caller said it would be attacked.

Earlier in the week, Saudi Arabian authorities advised Saudi citizens against travelling to Lebanon because of the uncertain security situation.

Lebanon has been without a president since November and is in the grip of its worst crisis since the civil war.