Chennai : Police raided the farmhouse of a PMK party leader in Tamil Nadu’s Madurai district on receiving information that a bomb making factory was being run there and arrested two men.
Police raided the farmhouse of PMK deputy general secretary Elanchezian in Pappanakulam village, about 600 km from here, on receiving information that several people were injured in a blast at a bomb-making factory being run at the house.
The PMK is an ally of the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government at the centre and the DMK government in Tamil Nadu.
Police said the blast at the illegal factory had taken place 10 days ago and an anonymous letter had tipped them off.
On raiding the premise Friday night, police discovered two injured men, hiding in the facility.
Police have arrested two factory workers identified as Mathiswaran, 25, and Periyasamy, 23. They had been severely injured in the blast and were being secretly treated for burns.
Police have seized bomb-making material like phosphorus, sulphur and potassium chlorate from the farmhouse.
The owners of the house, the PMK leader and his brothers, are absconding.