Musharraf, Soomro urge nation to shun sectarianism, radicalism


Islamabad : Presidentt Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Mohammadmian Soomro have urged the nation to rise above radicalism, sectarianism and prejudices to counter the forces spreading dissent in the society.

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In separate messages to the nation on Ashura, Muharram 10, the two leaders warned about the challenges confronting the country and the need for standing united, seeking guidance from Islamic teachings and by rising above all differences to meet these threats.

“We have to adopt great teachings of Islam by rising above sectarian, regional and petty differences. We also have to strengthen peace, harmony and brotherhood in the society,” President Musharraf said.

The President said Pakistan was facing circumstances that required adhering to the spirit of Usswa-e-Shabbiri – the doings of Hazrat Imam Hussain – for country’s security and defence.

He asked the nation to work hand-in-hand for the projection of prosperity and eradication of ignorance from the society.

The Prime Minister said the forces spreading dissent and conflict in the society were once again active and the terrorists were playing with the lives of innocent people and the sanctity of places of worship was being trampled.

“The Muslims in Pakistan are well aware of these forces and will never fall prey to their intrigues,” Soomro said.

He urged the people to unitedly foil these designs. “We should inculcate the spirit of sacrifice, peace and harmony, forgiveness, tolerance, love and affection.”

He said “by rising above radicalism, sectarianism and regional linguistic prejudices, we should inculcate the spirit of sacrifice, peace and harmony, forgiveness, tolerance, love and affection” to counter the negative elements.

President Pervez Musharraf said the tenth day of holy Muharram ul Haram – Ashura, has a special importance in Islamic history which marks the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain (may Allah be pleased with him) along with his companions in Karbala for raising voice for truth.

He said Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) proved with his words, deeds and martyrdom that Islamic teachings stress on caring for others’ feelings and maintaining mutual harmony in social life.

“Fraternity is considered an important moral attribute in Islam. If each others’ beliefs and faiths are not respected and the people are forced to adopt your own views, and also they are not allowed to express their ideas and tenets, then this creates suffocation in the society and also gives way to develop prejudice and narrow-mindedness,” he said.

President Musharraf said such situation also hinders intellectual and developmental progress, whereas love and brotherhood develops pleasant atmosphere and projection of great human values.

He said Ashura teaches the spirit of sacrifice for the sake of great objectives, and one should not withhold from offering sacrifice while fighting against evils.

Prime Minster Mohammadmian Soomro said as the love for the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) and his companions is part of the faith, every Muslim greatly revers Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA).

“This reverence and love calls for promoting greater Islamic values amongst ourselves and fight the forces creating conflict and disharmony in the society,” he added.

The Grandson of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) and his companions steadfastly fought the forces of tyranny and sacrificed their lives for the preservation and protection of these values.

The two leaders prayed to Allah Almighty to help and guide all to follow the righteous path.

They prayed that the nations remains steadfast in its fight against forces of oppression and tyranny and to bestow it the spirit that Imam Hussain (RA) and his handful of companions demonstrated in the parched land of Karbala.