High-level study team of Uganda & Tanzania on MP visit from Jan. 23

By Pervez Bari, TwoCircles.net

Bhopal : A high-level study team of Uganda and Tanzania would pay a five-day visit to Madhya Pradesh from today (January 23).

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The members of the visiting team would inspect the field implementation of District Poverty Initiative Project being implemented by the Madhya Pradesh Government with the cooperation of the World Bank and would hold talks with the project’s beneficiaries. The team members would also take part in a meeting to be held at Bhopal on January 27.

The study team would comprise Northern Uganda’s Minister of State for Rehabilitation Hon David Wakikona, Permanent Secretary to Prime Minister’s Office Martin Odwedo, Member of Parliament and National Policy Committee member Jessica Aloopo, Urban Authority chairman and member of Human Resources Committee John Bohagna, Finance, Planning and Economic Development Ministry’s head Ismail Magona, Northern Uganda UNSAF’s executive director Charles Okumu and engineer Luis Alobo. The team would also consist of Commissioner of Dar-es-Salam area of Tanzania Abbas Kandoro, Tanzanian Social Action Fund’s executive director Dr SB Likwelile and project officer Ms Tatu Mwaruka and Kibaha Town Council director Mrs. Margaret Nayalile. From the World Bank side, task team leader Sulaiman Nmara, Ida Manjola and South-South Learning Partnership coordinator Krishna Pidata would also be in the team.

The members of the team would tour villages of Shajapur district from January 23 to 25, and rural areas of Rajgarh and Guna districts from January 25 to 26 and would take stock of the activities of groups constituted under DPIP Project, working style of Village Uplift Committees, Crop Producer Companies. The team members would hold direct dialogue with the beneficiaries after inspecting ultra-modern and computerised dairy plant in Rajgarh’s Jaitpura village Khurd and coriander processing plant being run by Crop Producing Company in Guna district’s village Neshkalan. Members of the team would return from Bhopal on January 27 after holding talks with senior officers at a meeting.

It may be mentioned that apart from study teams from various states of India, teams from Nepal government, high-level delegation from Nepal and Brazil government as well as teams of Planning Commission of India, Rural Development Department and Agriculture Department have already studied and inspected the progressive change in the lifestyle of beneficiaries of DPIP Project being implemented by Madhya Pradesh Panchayat and Rural Development Department. The team had also been impressed by the successful implementation of the programme through a well thought-out strategy and its effects on the grassroot level. ([email protected])