Baig blames opposition for rowdy scenes in Assembly

Says conspiracy being hatched against ministers to malign Govt

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By News Agency of Kashmir

Jammu : Blaming the opposition for creating rowdy scenes in the Assembly and creating pandemonium, the Deputy Chief Minister Muzaffar Hussain Baig today said that Assembly sittings were meant to highlight the problems of people and raise issues of public importance. “We can not waste the precious time allotted for question hour, zero hour, debates and other important proceedings and cost the exchequer over Rs. one crore per day without doing any business”, he added.

Addressing a jam-packed press conference in the Assembly premises after the Speaker adjourned the Assembly Sine-die, Mr. Baig said that opposition NC had pre-planned to create unhealthy situation in the House and stall proceedings in one or the other pretext as they feared discussion on Kundal Report would yield nothing against the ministers and instead expose the opposition members and the ex-ministers of their party for the misdeeds they had committed during their tenure.

He said, “Government provided ample opportunity to the opposition to discuss Kundal Report in the House and the same was listed in the business scheduled, however, the opposition as usual stuck to its practice of exhibiting un-parliamentary behaviour, raising false allegations and using foul language”.

Referring to the Kundal Committee Report, Baig said, “when opposition found that their was nothing against ministers they resorted to disrupting session despite providing opportunity by the government to discuss the Report.”Woh To Shair Par Chadey Magar Phir Utter Nahain Sakai”. They rode the lion but could not dismount, Baig said adding that it has been found that during the entire session opposition in both the Houses tried to raise irrelevant issues as a propaganda campaign against the government to malign it and divert the attention of public from the stupendous tasks and historic measures taken by the government during last five years.

He said there was a sustained conspiracy by the opposition against the two ministers as they were emerging popular public leaders and posing considerable threat to the traditional vote bank of that party.

“We will not allow opposition to succeed in their nefarious designs of character assassination against respected public representatives, Mr. Baig maintained.

Baig said that before raising false allegations against the government and the council of ministers, the opposition should count the irregularities committed by them during their tenure of government adding that coalition government would always fight corruption with iron hand as it has done in the past years, however, “we would not allow any innocent to be made victim to false allegations”, he stressed.

Baig cited the examples of various irregularities and malpractices committed by the opposition party ministers during their tenure in the government.

At the press conference, the Deputy Chief Minister was flanked by Health Minister Mangat Ram Sharma, Agriculture Minister Abdul Aziz Zargar, CAPD Minister Taj Mohi-ud-Din, Rural Development Minister Mula Ram, R&B Minister Jugal Kishore, Forest Minister Qazi Mohammad Afzal, Finance Minister Tariq Hameed Karra, Transport Minister Hakeem Mohammad Yasin, Minister of State for Power Babu Singh, Minister of State for School Education G. M. Saroori, Minister of State for Health Peer Mohammad Hussain, Chairman Handicrafts Corporation Haji Abdul Rashid and legislators from PDP and Congress.