Pakistani PM fears another 9/11 if foreigners continue interference in tribal areas


Islamabad : Pakistani Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani Monday said that concerns about attacks similar to 9/11 will exist if foreign extremists continue interference in the tribal regions.

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Mr Gilani endorsed the U.S concerns about Pakistan’s tribal regions and said, “It is a matter of concern that extremists from Chechnya, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan arrive in the tribal areas”.

“These people are disturbing our peace,” the Prime Minister told reporters after awarding certificates to the motorway police.

“The United States is agreed with the government policy about tribal regions and I do not want another 9/11 happens in future,” Mr Gilani said.

He said the United States supports his government’s policy on combating terrorism and extremism in the country. However, Gilani said the US has its own concerns over the involvement of foreign elements in terrorist activities on Pakistani soil so that there are no major mishaps in future.

“Terrorists should be separated from the people who want peace in their areas”.

To a question he said the United States is fully convinced of respecting Pakistan’s sovereignty however, he said they object whenever militants intensify their activities in the tribal areas.

He said Pakistan would never allow anyone to carry operation against the terrorists in its soil.

To a question, the Prime Minister said the parliament was sovereign in its decisions and the government believes in consultation with all parties.